LIM, Sierin

Associate Professor
School of Chemistry
Nanyang Technological University


  1. Lim Research Group focuses on the molecular and cellular engineering of biological entities (proteins, cellulose, and microbes) to develop technologies for applications in health and environment. In the protein cage field, the group (1) explores the assembly mechanism, charge transport, and the behavior at liquid/liquid interface, (2) designs moieties for cellular targeting, and (3) develops formulations using protein cages. Her group has filed multiple technology disclosures on the matter with issued patents: some text
    1. Specific internalization of nanoparticles into protein cages
    2. Nanocapsules carrying chikungunya-associated peptides 
    3. Targeting of melanocytes for delivering therapeutic or diagnostic agents using protein nanocages
    4. Protein cage-stabilized pickering emulsions and the use thereof

The group collaborates extensively with teams with expertise in characterization techniques. In addition, the SLim Research Group also works on bacterial cellulose bioengineering and enzymatic plastic degradation.

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